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Sign on the X signing services
Posted by Lowana Richardson of HI on 5/3/07 5:16pm Msg #188680
I am having difficulty getting payment for the signings that I have done for this company. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have called, emailed, faxed. I am owed over $1600.
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Messages in this Thread
 Sign on the X signing services - Lowana Richardson on 5/3/07 5:16pm
 Re: Sign on the X signing services - Amalia Contreras on 5/3/07 5:18pm
 Re: Sign on the X signing services - Carla_MD on 5/3/07 5:19pm
 Re: Sign on the X signing services - carlos/nyc on 5/3/07 5:20pm
 You're on your way to being hosed. - PL on 5/3/07 5:24pm
 Re: Sign on the X signing services - jba/fl on 5/3/07 5:50pm
 Re: Sign on the X signing services - JM_NY on 5/3/07 8:27pm
 Re: Sign on the X signing services - goodgirl on 5/3/07 10:36pm
 Re: Sign on the X signing services - Michelle Montemorra on 5/4/07 6:51am
 Re: Two different signing agents - Sister on 5/4/07 1:53pm
 Lesson to be learned by all... -  MelissaCT on 5/4/07 4:59pm

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