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When I used to live in Maine the State issued work permits
Posted by  Charles_Ca of CA on 5/4/07 10:27am Msg #188779
during harvest time. It seemed to work well for everyone. I know that during WWII there was the bracero and permits were issued to work on this side of the border. I have no problem as long as things are done properly and no one gets abused. I was really surprised however when one of my friends got their citizenship and we went to the registrar of voters and in California they don't ask for proof to get a voter registration card, you just sgn an affidavit that you are permitted to vote, that's it. I remember when I go my regitration in several different states I had to provide proof of citizenship to be able to register to vote.
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 Off Off Topic -  DogmongerCA on 5/4/07 8:43am
 nice analogy - SueW/Tn on 5/4/07 8:55am
 Re: Off Off Topic, Interesting Dog and Sue, what you just -  Charles_Ca on 5/4/07 9:57am
 Re: Off Off Topic, Interesting Dog and Sue, what you just - Calnotary on 5/4/07 10:15am
 When I used to live in Maine the State issued work permits -  Charles_Ca on 5/4/07 10:27am
 You hit the nail on the head Charles - SueW/Tn on 5/4/07 10:32am

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