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Re: E-Docs info
Posted by  CarolynCO of CO on 11/25/04 11:32amMsg #12017
**2. How do you send back these e-docs? Fax them? Scan them and send in email or send an overnight package?**

In the instructions you are advised as to which docs need faxed and who to fax them to. -- sometimes you aren't required to fax any of them. At just depens on the SS and/or title or loan company. In the instructions, you are alos supplied a FedEx or UPS account number for returning all the docs. There are also instructions as to how to advise the tracking number -- sometimes that is faxed, sometimes e-mailed and sometimes you call it in.
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Messages in this Thread
 E-Docs info - Anonymous on 11/25/04 11:04am
 Re: E-Docs info -  CarolynCO on 11/25/04 11:32am
 Answers to Your Questions... - Dennis D Broadbooks on 11/25/04 11:40am
 Re: Answers to Your Questions... - Aatika Khattak on 11/25/04 11:57am
 Aatika... - Dennis D Broadbooks on 11/25/04 12:19pm
 Re: Answers to Your Questions... -  HisHughness on 11/25/04 6:40pm
 It Depends on Which JFK You're Referring to... - Dennis D Broadbooks on 11/25/04 6:58pm
 Re: It Depends on Which JFK You're Referring to... -  HisHughness on 11/25/04 10:37pm
 Since the Red Sox DID Win the World Series This Year... - Dennis D Broadbooks on 11/26/04 4:48am
 Re: Answers to Your Questions... - Ted_MI on 11/25/04 8:25pm
 No Disrespect Taken, Ted... - Dennis D Broadbooks on 11/25/04 8:30pm
 Re: No Disrespect Taken, Ted... -  Aatika Khattak on 11/26/04 4:00pm
 Re: No Disrespect Taken, Ted... - Ted_MI on 11/26/04 9:29pm
 Re: No Disrespect Taken, Ted... - CaliNotary on 11/27/04 2:16am
 Re: No Disrespect Taken, Ted... - Ted_MI on 11/27/04 7:52am

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