Fox on SOX: "I was getting fed up with them last month...They were 70 days late on payment, but I finally received payment in full...after calling them DAILY for a week straight. THATS WHAT IT TAKES! WE NEED A LIST OF COMPANIES THAT PAY LATE OR NOT AT ALL!! WE NEED THIS NOW!"
Fox -
There are a couple of ways to get this information:
Best Way: Get a notebook and start yourself a list. I will try all but about 3 signing companies at least once. So far, I have collected 100% of my invoices.
Another Way: eMail me and I will send you some links to have a look at - I do not promote the idea of a published Bad List, but I do know where you can find one.
Another Way: Visit's pretty orange search button and search for companies that call you to go to work.
Another Way: Visit every forum you know of and search each of them for "No No"
Every forum *I* know of is on my website (mixed in with directories that list notaries).