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Re: Is it slow for anyone else?
Posted by Joan-OH of ? on 12/7/04 10:09am Msg #12884
Yes, it is especially slow for me. I do a lot of purchases, and have only had one so far in December. I figure it is the Holidays so it is going to be slow until the Helocs start up in February. My DH & I usually go on a cruise the first week of December, but decided to do it the first week of March instead this year since by then we will REALLY be sick of the snow & cold and would appreciate the tropical breezes much more. He was off last week and I only had 3 signings. All week I could only think, OH, WE SHOULD HAVE WENT ANYWAYS! Not like I was missing work.

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Messages in this Thread
 Is it slow for anyone else? - joyce/CA on 12/7/04 10:04am
 Re: Is it slow for anyone else? - Joan-OH on 12/7/04 10:09am
 Re: Is it slow for anyone else? -  BrendaTX on 12/7/04 10:12am
 Re: Is it slow for anyone else? - Carolanne_PA on 12/7/04 11:18am
 Re: Is it slow for anyone else? - BrendaKhan-FL on 12/7/04 5:24pm
 Re: Is it slow for anyone else? - calipat/ca on 12/7/04 6:30pm
 Re: Is it slow for anyone else? -  Dotti_CA on 12/8/04 12:09am

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