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Re: Is it slow for anyone else?
Posted by calipat/ca of ? on 12/7/04 6:30pm Msg #12923
It started off okay, but now it has slowed down. I have had 6 signings in just as many days of December. I only worked 2 days for those 6. I am leaving for 2 weeks on the 19th so I hope I don't miss out on anything, but if I do o well spending time with family is alot more important. I now am finding time to shop and also I volunteer at my son's elementary school (even though my son is in high school now) lol. It's fun to volunteer while I wait for someone to call. I devote one day a week to marketing and I am getting alot more done in that area also. Hopefully I will get a couple of more signings before I leave if not, then I hope the new year brings alot more for myself and for my fellow notaries!
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Messages in this Thread
 Is it slow for anyone else? - joyce/CA on 12/7/04 10:04am
 Re: Is it slow for anyone else? - Joan-OH on 12/7/04 10:09am
 Re: Is it slow for anyone else? -  BrendaTX on 12/7/04 10:12am
 Re: Is it slow for anyone else? - Carolanne_PA on 12/7/04 11:18am
 Re: Is it slow for anyone else? - BrendaKhan-FL on 12/7/04 5:24pm
 Re: Is it slow for anyone else? - calipat/ca on 12/7/04 6:30pm
 Re: Is it slow for anyone else? -  Dotti_CA on 12/8/04 12:09am

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