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Re: For the no no inflating your price a cop out
Posted by  Nicole_NCali of CA on 12/8/04 11:46am Msg #13003
I do let them know that I am not available. I just think that telling them the same thing that has been said by every other signing agent is redundant. I get the feeling that they are looking for new suckers. I have quick links to what their base fee is and I just double my price so that they will say that they will have to look at other places.

Unlike most of the newbies, I read and re-read the oldest posts for non paying or slow paying companies. Companies who lied about embezzlement, etc and I also checked out people who had good experiences with ss. I do most of my work with title companies and that is who I market to. I like to cut out the middle man and in my everyday work life, most of the escrow officers are straight up about loans that are closing or not closing and the conditions that need to be met. Also, I have received every check that I was supposed to receive.
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Messages in this Thread
 For the no no inflating your price a cop out - Nicole_NCali on 12/7/04 6:26pm
 Re: For the no no inflating your price a cop out - Kari Welch on 12/7/04 6:36pm
 But, maybe if enough people would inflate - Susie/OH on 12/7/04 6:46pm
 Re: For the no no inflating your price a cop out - Ted_MI on 12/7/04 7:34pm
 Re: For the no no inflating your price a cop out - Mortgage Closers of San Antonio - Kenneth C Whitton Jr on 12/8/04 8:44pm
 Re: For the no no inflating your price a cop out -  HisHughness on 12/7/04 10:43pm
 Re: For the no no inflating your price a cop out -  Nicole_NCali on 12/8/04 11:46am
 Re: For the no no inflating your price a cop out - Mortgage Closers of San Antonio - Kenneth C Whitton Jr on 12/8/04 8:47pm
 Re: For the no no inflating your price a cop out - Terri - CA on 12/8/04 2:33pm

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