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No No List Misconception
Posted by  BrendaTX of TX on 12/8/04 6:29pm Msg #13050
Recently, I have been asked to email notaries a list of companies on my "no no" list.

I do not publish a No No List of Companies. If I made a mistake and even slightly indicated that I did, I did not intend to.

There is a notary who uses the name RONDA / NY who does publish one on occasion.

I do have a list of companies of 300+ companies that a notary named Mike shared with me me. I do not imply that these are good companies. They are just on a list I have.

Here is where this misconception may be coming from: I took this list of companies and made a tool to create my personal avoid list & to use for my marketing purposes.

The tool I reference is not a no no list. This is what it is: I made a notebook from the 300+ list. I alphabetized them. Then printed them into A B C sections.

My notebook is divided into 24 pages (basically a page for each letter of the alphabet). As I said, I indexed the 300 companies onto these pages and left space within each A,B,C page to write in new companies.

There is space to indicate fees/date/comments.

There is also allocated space to make notes as you peruse the forums to indicate companies who are stated to pay slow or to be no pay.

This is how I decide what's on my no no list.

If you want what I have stated above, you can email a blank email to an autoresponder email address which will give you the links to download these things.


You will not even have to wait for me to respond. I just checked to make sure that the autoresponder is working and it is.

Again, I do not publish a no no list. I do not claim the companies on the list I reference above is a good list of good companies to work for.

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Messages in this Thread
 No No List Misconception -  BrendaTX on 12/8/04 6:29pm
 Re: No No List Misconception -  HisHughness on 12/8/04 10:29pm
 Brenda/TX, A/K/A the NO "No-No" lady......n/m - Becca/FL on 12/8/04 11:10pm
 Re: Brenda/TX, A/K/A the NO "No-No" lady......n/m -  HisHughness on 12/8/04 11:59pm
 Re: Brenda/TX, A/K/A the NO "No-No" lady......n/m -  BrendaTX on 12/9/04 1:40am
 Re: No No List Misconception - Nd_WA on 12/9/04 12:14am
 I agree - Bob-Chicago on 12/9/04 8:37am
 Re: I agree - Liz/MD on 12/9/04 10:23pm

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