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I agree
Posted by Bob-Chicago of ? on 12/9/04 8:37am Msg #13097
I have no more problem depositing a check from an October signing than I do for a yesterday signing
The only problem is if you have be constantly remind the slow-payer that you have not been paid
If I rec a check in 60 days and only have to invoice once, I am happy
I am happier if I get the check in 30 days, but money is money
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Messages in this Thread
 No No List Misconception -  BrendaTX on 12/8/04 6:29pm
 Re: No No List Misconception -  HisHughness on 12/8/04 10:29pm
 Brenda/TX, A/K/A the NO "No-No" lady......n/m - Becca/FL on 12/8/04 11:10pm
 Re: Brenda/TX, A/K/A the NO "No-No" lady......n/m -  HisHughness on 12/8/04 11:59pm
 Re: Brenda/TX, A/K/A the NO "No-No" lady......n/m -  BrendaTX on 12/9/04 1:40am
 Re: No No List Misconception - Nd_WA on 12/9/04 12:14am
 I agree - Bob-Chicago on 12/9/04 8:37am
 Re: I agree - Liz/MD on 12/9/04 10:23pm

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