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Need Paper?
Posted by Pete/MD of MD on 7/26/07 5:42pm Msg #202077
2. Search for item # 536640, add two of them to your cart
3. Search again for item # 536640, add two more of them to your cart
4. If you read my instructions, thought it was stupid, and just added four of them at once, start all over again and do it the way I instructed.
5. Click on View Cart.
6. Add coupon # 14005654 ($15 off two cases of # 536640, which takes $15 off EACH CASE for some reason!)
7. Add coupon # 75430290 ($15 off two cases of # 536640)
8. Add coupon # 85800554 ($20 off $75 minimum purchase) - Alternative coupons here.
9. Add Coupon #34606858
10. Checkout, add your Worklife Rewards #, pay, etc!

It came out like this for me:

$67.98 Two cases of # 536640
+ $67.98 Two cases of # 536640
- $30.00 Coupon Code # 14005654
- $15.00 Coupon Code # 75430290
- $20.00 Coupon Code # 85800554
- Coupon # 34606858
+ $4.97 Tax
+ $0.00 Free Shipping
$ 66.21 for Four Cases of Office Depot Copy Paper
Shipped Directly To My Office

That comes out to $18.98 per case, shipped, tax included!
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Messages in this Thread
 Need Paper? - Pete/MD on 7/26/07 5:42pm
 Re: It works!!! -  DebbieT on 7/26/07 6:02pm
 Re: Need Paper? - Sarah/CA on 7/26/07 6:14pm
 is this legal? or letter? or either? n/m - ZeeCA on 7/26/07 6:26pm
 Re: is this legal? or letter? or either? - Sarah/CA on 7/26/07 7:28pm
 Wow, what a deal! You're my hero of the day! :) n/m -  Rachel Harvey on 7/26/07 8:14pm
 Re: Wow, what a deal! You're my hero of the day! :) - JohnnyB on 7/26/07 8:48pm
 Thanks! Now tell us how you put all that together ... -  Barb/MO on 7/26/07 10:11pm
 I just tried & the paper is out of stock...too good to last n/m -  Jon_PA on 7/26/07 10:27pm
 Just a fabulous post! -  Joan Bergstrom on 7/27/07 12:53am
 Worked for me too! Thank you SO much for sharing!!! -  Lisa Wood on 7/27/07 12:54am
 Re: Worked for me too! Thank you SO much for sharing!!! - azanygal_CA on 7/27/07 8:03pm
 paper prices - jahlab on 7/27/07 9:41pm
 Re: Need Paper? -  SheilaSJCA on 7/27/07 11:00pm

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