post regularily to this forum and I DO NOT HAVE 10 BARS????????? Why? There is no possible reason that I should not have 10 bars.....I checked to see if maybe it is b/c I use the alias on the forum.....and that is not it....other people that use it have 10 bars?
THIS IS BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bean counters (schedulers) will never know the reasoning behind the bar status.....they will see a person with 8 bars that is 10 miles from a signing and a person with 10 bars that is 20 miles; and call the 10 bar person- b/c they think that they are rated for better performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please people come on.....that is what WILL happen. This was not a good idea at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This will make me loose business to new clients. I am pi$$ed off about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |