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Re: What would you do.
Posted by Joan-OH of ? on 5/12/05 11:15am Msg #37314
Quite Frankly, it sounds like you have a relationship with the lender and those prior deals were through the lender directly. I, personally, would call my contact there and ask if it is their directive that you are being asked to take $800 instead of the $1000 that's owed you. I'll bet the lender would be floored this was being asked of you.

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Messages in this Thread
 What would you do. - Joanne_SL on 5/12/05 9:39am
 It's total b.s.... a resounding "NO!" (nm) - Lee/AR on 5/12/05 9:42am
 Re: It's total b.s....NO way (nm) - Dellaca on 5/12/05 9:43am
 Holy crow! - MaggieMae_CA on 5/12/05 9:45am
 Re: Holy crow! - SarahBeth_CA on 5/12/05 11:12am
 The Result! - Joanne_SL on 5/14/05 7:32am
 Re: What would you do. - Joan-OH on 5/12/05 11:15am
 Re: What would you do. - Kari on 5/12/05 12:37pm

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