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Re: Washington Mutual signings ...
Posted by BrendaTX of TX on 5/12/05 9:32pm Msg #37426
Just got back from one. Docs were delivered to the borrower. Between EVERY document was an orange sheet with instructions on the sheet and an explanation.

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Messages in this Thread
 Looking for Contact Information for Washington Mutual - ricknorcal on 5/12/05 2:25pm
 Re: Looking for Contact Information for Washington Mutual - Kiso on 5/12/05 3:27pm
 Washington Mutual signings ... - Bobbi in CT on 5/12/05 7:52pm
 Re: Washington Mutual signings ... - Annie/Ca on 5/12/05 8:28pm
 Re: Washington Mutual signings ... - BrendaTX on 5/12/05 9:32pm
 Re: Washington Mutual signings ... - Annie/Ca on 5/12/05 9:37pm
 Re: Washington Mutual signings ... -  BrendaTX on 5/12/05 10:52pm
 Re: Washington Mutual signings ... - Annie/Ca on 5/13/05 12:23am
 Re: In agreement - Ted_MI on 5/13/05 9:38am
 Re: Washington Mutual signings ... - Anonymous on 5/13/05 11:48pm

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