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Jba/fl: Did you read entire thread?
Posted by GOLDGIRL/CA of CA on 1/3/10 11:41am Msg #316467
It shows little has changed! The first question was from someone saying mean/rude people need not respond. Then the person who responded said the question was too general to be answered and more information was necessary. Eight years later, it's pretty much the same. By the way, who is "Samantha Coppa White Elephant" (is that her real name?) and wonder if she is still "not accepting notary work"? Samantha, are you out there? You need to update your profile!
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Messages in this Thread
 Been reading here for about 5 hours - Jodith/WA on 1/2/10 9:43pm
 Ditto :) n/m - Teddog/CO on 1/3/10 9:03am
 I've been doing much the same - -  jba/fl on 1/3/10 9:45am
 Jba/fl: Did you read entire thread? - GOLDGIRL/CA on 1/3/10 11:41am
 Re: Jba/fl: Did you read entire thread? - Jodith/WA on 1/3/10 12:45pm
 Sam I am...great member of the community. -  BrendaTx on 1/3/10 12:53pm
 Upon reading further ... (PAW) - GOLDGIRL/CA on 1/3/10 11:54am
 Re: Upon reading further ... (PAW) -  jba/fl on 1/3/10 6:13pm

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