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Re: Correct re Trustee/Estate. Not quite correct re Medicare.
Posted by  HisHughness of TX on 5/14/05 5:43pm Msg #37837
I am reminded of the fellow whom my firm represented in Atlanta, about 25 years ago. He owned the biggest shopping center in the Atlanta suburb where I practiced. When he turned 65, he transferred ownership of the shopping center to his daughter so he could qualify for Medicare. I don't think that was the kind of situation the program was designed to cover.

Reverse mortgages are just one arrow in the quiver of financial arrows. Sometimes they fit, sometimes they don't. If they don't fit, they are awfully expensive money. When they do fit, they are quite useful.

They are also, as one other member has pointed out, normally more trouble than the typical refi or HELOC. It is because of that that I recently increased my standard fee 20 percent on all reverses.
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Messages in this Thread
 Reverse Mortgages - Carol_SoCal on 5/13/05 1:01pm
 Re: Reverse Mortgages -  SamIam_CA on 5/13/05 1:12pm
 Not a good choice for family - Melody on 5/13/05 1:20pm
 Re: Reverse Mortgages - Mike/NJ on 5/13/05 1:29pm
 Re: Reverse Mortgages - Sonja on 5/13/05 2:03pm
 Correct re Trustee/Estate. Not quite correct re Medicare. - Melody on 5/13/05 4:22pm
 Re: Correct re Trustee/Estate. Not quite correct re Medicare. - Sonja on 5/13/05 5:34pm
 Re: Correct re Trustee/Estate. Not quite correct re Medicare. -  BrendaTX on 5/13/05 6:28pm
 Re: Correct re Trustee/Estate. Not quite correct re Medicare. - Sonja on 5/13/05 7:00pm
 Re: Correct re Trustee/Estate. Not quite correct re Medicare. - BrendaTX on 5/13/05 7:11pm
 Re: Correct re Trustee/Estate. Not quite correct re Medicare. -  SamIam_CA on 5/13/05 7:21pm
 Thanks, Sam...I should have said: -  BrendaTX on 5/13/05 7:38pm
 Being blunt: -  BrendaTX on 5/13/05 7:54pm
 Re: Being blunt: I think you said it just right n/m -  SamIam_CA on 5/14/05 11:40am
 Re: Correct re Trustee/Estate. Not quite correct re Medicare. - Sonja on 5/13/05 8:00pm
 What started out as questions and exchanges of ... - Ernest_CT on 5/13/05 9:44pm
 Re: What started out as questions and exchanges of ... - Sonja on 5/14/05 11:40am
 Last.... - Sonja on 5/14/05 12:21pm
 Re: Last.... -  BrendaTX on 5/14/05 12:32pm
 Re: Last.... -  SamIam_CA on 5/14/05 12:36pm
 Would you kindly... - Sonja on 5/14/05 1:02pm
 Sam... -  BrendaTX on 5/14/05 1:47pm
 You make perfect sense to me - now go enjoy the weekend! n/m -  SamIam_CA on 5/14/05 2:13pm
 Re: You make perfect sense to me - now go enjoy the weekend! n/m -  BrendaTX on 5/14/05 2:48pm
 As the poster knows... -  BrendaTX on 5/14/05 12:27pm
 Think what you want n/m - Sonja on 5/14/05 1:03pm
 Re: Correct re Trustee/Estate. Not quite correct re Medicare. -  HisHughness on 5/14/05 5:43pm
 Good estate planning tool... - Bobbi in CT on 5/13/05 2:28pm
 Re: Good estate planning tool... - Carol_SoCal on 5/13/05 2:37pm
 Re: Good estate planning tool... - Kevin Ahern on 5/13/05 4:32pm
 No one recommends Reverse Mtg as investment tool ... - Bobbi in CT on 5/13/05 7:17pm
 Re: Reverse Mortgages - PeterL_CA on 5/13/05 7:51pm
 Re: Reverse Mortgages - ERNA_CA on 5/14/05 2:19pm

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