Yes, but there is a whole lot of difference between taking a tax course and KNOWING what the heck I am doing and screwing with people's taxes/lives.
Hmmm...I am willing to admit this about myself, but what thinking you're a ready and able NSA after after taking a loan signing class....Could it be that loan signing courses don't necessarily mean you know what you are doing either???
============= Let me digress - stop here Hugh....This reminds me of my 2nd cousin - Professor S.
Prof. S is the SMARTEST man in the world.
When my aunt got sick/unable to remember to take care of herself in certain areas of her life, Prof S and I got into a family discussion about his and his mother's ALLEGED problem of using his grandma's credit card to the tune of $24,000+. (I saw notes in my aunt's own handwriting as possible evidence of the same.)
I told him some things that he needed to do to keep me/ the county judges out of his business on that little problem...that is, take good care of his grandmother - and not put it on my own mom. If he would do that his grandmother/my aunt would not need a guardian.
My involvement was only to keep my own mother from killing herself with handling a Alz's type illness and cancer treatments for my aunt. I was willing to become a guardian if necessary, but this would not become my mother's problem under my watch!
He read the law and lied/babbled at me he had seen a lawyer and I could not do this.
Ha ha...dumb ol' me...I am but a former lowly secretary for a probate lawyer...I have had hands on experience and know how the law works for guardianships in Texas by seeing some of the Texas Bar Association's finest at work. I also consulted a lawyer during this time on behalf of my aunt.
Prof. S. read the section on Guardianships...but not on Temporary Guardianships. I had lived Temp. Guardianships in a former life...I knew any interested party could become one...even county welfare. Finally got him to listen. His grandma/my aunt is now getting some attention and my own mother is able to go have a little golden age fun. Darn her - spending my inheritance in Branson, MO with her boyfriend, no less!
It was kind of like giving the SMART Prof. S. a firm wake up wedgie. |