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Re: 24/7 in San Clemente SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW Pay!
Posted by K of ? on 6/16/05 11:04pm Msg #45401
They are a joke! extremely slooooooooooow pay and lots of lies about closing checks. Like once they owed lots of signing agents and they had so many excuses but the best one was the post office lost ALL our checks, not one or two checks but a hundred or two. I believe they write the checks then they put the checks on the back of somebody's desk and they sit there for weeks. I think they are sloooooow pay cause they are getting interest off the money in their bank account. One time I asked one of their title companies how often they paid 24/7 and the LO told me that 24/7 gets paid when the loan disbursed which is usuallly in 3 to 5 days. I told him the signing agent doesn't get paid for 6 to 8 weeks. The LO gasped he couldn't believe it! RUN they are not worth the hassel.
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Messages in this Thread
 24/7 in San Clemente - SoCalMisty on 6/16/05 3:50pm
 Re: 24/7 in San Clemente - Lily on 6/16/05 5:46pm
 Re: 24/7 in San Clemente - Sara-NV on 6/16/05 6:11pm
 Re: 24/7 in San Clemente - Terri_CA on 6/16/05 8:44pm
 Re: 24/7 in San Clemente - shadoulew/CA on 6/16/05 8:53pm
 Re: 24/7 in San Clemente - BeccaWI on 6/16/05 9:01pm
 Re: 24/7 in San Clemente SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW Pay! - K on 6/16/05 11:04pm
 Re: 24/7 in San Clemente - SoCalMisty on 6/17/05 3:02am
 Re: 24/7 in San Clemente - T/FL on 7/23/05 9:16pm

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