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Re: Signing Carolina ...
Posted by  jojo_MN of MN on 10/9/20 10:47am Msg #625298
I did four signings for them between 2007 and 2015. They always paid my fee within 30 days, never late.

As far as the fee goes my minimum has been $125 for standard packages (anything under 145 pages) since 2005. I have not raised (or lowered) my fee. I do charge more for higher number of pages and scanbacks. Everyone across the country has a right to choose their own fee.

Companies that I have been working for 15+ years are sending out ridiculously low offerings ($60-80). You can either tell them you are not available, or tell them what your minimum fee is if you don't want to accept their low-ball price. They will either come back and hire you or go on to the next notary that doesn't have to pay for the overhead expenses and end up making much less than minimum wage.

Many times, if not most, the scheduler has no idea what your actual expenses are (Paper, toner, gasoline, pens, stamps, electricity--all items you need to do your job). Plus, we have to pay for commissions, licenses, E & O, INCOME TAX and SS (we don't have employer paying half) etc. They seriously think "Wow! they make a lot of money for sitting a someone's table for an hour to sign papers". I told that to a scheduler once a few years ago when she was commenting I should go down to $60 because that's a lot of money. She was shocked. I'm very careful and try not to act disgusted at the lowball offers, just say "I'm sorry, my minimum is ___ and leave it at that.

Their job is to get it out the cheapest they can so the signing service can rake in the real money. lol

Have an awesome day!
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Messages in this Thread
 Signing Carolina ... -  Yoli/CA on 10/9/20 9:13am
 Re: Signing Carolina ... -  Cheryl Elliott on 10/9/20 9:22am
 Re: Signing Carolina ... - Eric Roller on 10/9/20 7:43pm
 Glad you asked, Eric -  Cheryl Elliott on 10/10/20 9:19am
 Re: Glad you asked, Eric -  JanetK_CA on 10/10/20 3:14pm
 Re: Signing Carolina ... - Kellosh/CA on 10/10/20 11:24pm
 Re: Signing Carolina ... -  jojo_MN on 10/9/20 10:47am
 Re: Signing Carolina ... - Eric Roller on 10/10/20 5:45pm
 Re: Signing Carolina ... - SteveS/CA on 10/11/20 9:59am

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