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Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir)
Posted by  jojo_MN of MN on 8/15/08 1:31pm Msg #260195
I've taken a few identity theft courses put on by law enforcement personnel. You should ALWAYS sign the credit card. If you want, you can add "ask for id" or "see id" in addition to the signature (put in a diffrerent color, such as red). The credit card is not valid unless it is signed. In fact it states that right on the card. The reasoning is because the sales clerk IS SUPPOSED TO check the signature to the signature on your drivers license.
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Messages in this Thread
 Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) - sue_pa on 8/15/08 9:22am
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) - The Notary National Signers on 8/15/08 9:27am
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) -  jojo_MN on 8/15/08 9:28am
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) -  PAW on 8/15/08 9:38am
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) -  jojo_MN on 8/15/08 9:44am
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) - The Notary National Signers on 8/15/08 9:49am
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) - Kevin/Ct on 8/15/08 10:20am
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) - Kevin/Ct on 8/15/08 10:18am
 And the choir says "amen sister." n/m -  MichiganAl on 8/15/08 9:52am
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) -  Les_CO on 8/15/08 10:10am
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) -  Therese on 8/15/08 10:14am
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) -  jojo_MN on 8/15/08 10:42am
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) -  Derrick/MT on 8/15/08 11:12am
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) -  jojo_MN on 8/15/08 11:23am
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) - Tannis Zamora on 8/15/08 12:16pm
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) -  Derrick Dodson on 8/15/08 1:06pm
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) -  PAW on 8/15/08 1:27pm
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) -  jojo_MN on 8/15/08 1:31pm
 Actually, that's FALSE ... - Tony_FL on 8/15/08 2:01pm
 If a borrower objects -  MistarellaFL on 8/15/08 1:31pm
 Re: If a borrower objects - Tannis Zamora on 8/15/08 3:53pm
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir)Derrick -  Les_CO on 8/15/08 4:41pm
 Re: Derrick -  Les_CO on 8/15/08 7:25pm
 Re: Preach on with your bad self! n/m - hcampersFL on 8/15/08 12:56pm
 Re: Dear Title Company (preaching to the choir) -  LynnNC on 8/15/08 1:35pm

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