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Happy to help! That's why we're here! n/m
Posted by Ernest__CT of CT on 4/6/06 6:26am Msg #111473
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Messages in this Thread
 Please Help ASAP! Right to Cancel Question - Loan Signing.. - Anonymous from on 4/6/06 6:00am
 Re: Please Help ASAP! Right to Cancel Question - Loan Signing.. - Ernest__CT on 4/6/06 6:06am
 Yes. But, aren't you making the BO a complete copy of.... -  FlaMac on 4/6/06 6:07am
 Re: Yes. But, aren't you making the BO a complete copy of.... - Anonymous from on 4/6/06 6:10am
 Yup. That's the safest thing. - Ernest__CT on 4/6/06 6:12am
 Re: Yup. That's the safest thing. - Anonymous from on 4/6/06 6:23am
 Happy to help! That's why we're here! n/m - Ernest__CT on 4/6/06 6:26am
 Re: Yup. That's the safest thing. - BrendaTx on 4/6/06 2:00pm
 Re: Yes. But, aren't you making the BO a complete copy of... - Mary Pierce on 4/6/06 7:31am
 Also -  hcampersFL on 4/6/06 8:06am
 Re: Yes. But, aren't you making the BO a complete copy of.... - PA_Notary_II on 4/6/06 9:29am
 Lender only nds 1 signed copy of RTC. n/m - Regal1 on 4/6/06 9:13am
 Re: Please Help ASAP! Right to Cancel Question - Loan Signing.. -  Tina_MA on 4/6/06 11:53am
 Re: Please Help ASAP! Right to Cancel Question - Loan Signing.. -  cmd_NH on 4/6/06 12:55pm

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