I had actually created this great marketing presentation (black folder with personalized company name and address info showing through in gold copperplate, introduction on letterhead, powerpoint presentation, flyer and business card). Cost - $3.57 per presentation.
I got raves from all the title companies I brought it to. One in particular didn't need anyone so I just asked if I could sit with them for a day in the life of a title agency. They were great and said 'sure'.
If I could pass on one bit of information for signing agents who are marketing their business "Make the effort to create a nice packet or find someone who can". Many of the title companies I approached said that signing agents come in with just their business card and they don't take much notice of them. They loved the professional look of my presentation and since my primary business is a marketing company, I knew it would be something they'd see around the office and wouldn't want to throw out because it looked nice.
Of course, having said that, I hope I don't get a bunch of calls when I don't feel so confident. I think I may try and find someone around here for the next one and give them the entire fee if they'll just let me tag along.
Have a great day all! |