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Maybe where you are - my sister-in-law
Posted by Linda_H/FL of FL on 2/20/21 5:27pm Msg #629674
is in Hillsborough County - and it's a cluster*** to put it mildly - so bad she left her spot in line and went home ...

Up here things are calm....but I'm seeing people being a bit more cavalier about it now...
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Messages in this Thread
 Finding this week the vaccinations are working - Luckydog on 2/20/21 4:50pm
 Maybe where you are - my sister-in-law - Linda_H/FL on 2/20/21 5:27pm
 Re: Finding this week the vaccinations are working - JanetK_CA on 2/20/21 8:08pm
 Re: Finding this week the vaccinations are working - Luckydog on 2/21/21 8:13pm
 The vaccine does not provide immunity! People still need to -  MW/VA on 2/21/21 7:46am
 Sorry Marilynn..disagree - they DO provide immunity - Linda_H/FL on 2/21/21 9:13am
 Thanks. This is the first I've heard of this new info. ;-) n/m -  MW/VA on 2/21/21 7:45pm
 Re: vaccine - VT_Syrup on 2/21/21 9:13am
 Re: vaccine and Immunity . . . - NVLSlady/VA on 2/21/21 9:40pm
 It takes 2-4 weeks for immunity to develop, reportedly - Kellosh/CA on 2/22/21 11:00am
 Re: It takes 2-4 weeks for immunity to develop, reportedly - Luckydog on 2/22/21 12:49pm
 Finding this week the vaccinations are working - NewPhoenix on 2/22/21 11:40am
 Re: Finding this week the vaccinations are working - VT_Syrup on 2/22/21 1:33pm
 Re: Finding this week the vaccinations are working - NVLSlady/VA on 2/22/21 2:34pm
 Re: Finding this week the vaccinations are working -  JanetK_CA on 2/24/21 12:18am
 Re: Finding this week the vaccinations are working - Luckydog on 2/22/21 7:00pm

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