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Happened to me a few months ago
Posted by MariaMO of MO on 2/20/21 9:32pm Msg #629684
after I got a new debit card. They had all of my information but kept passing me from person to person until I had a nice meltdown. Once I finally got to talk to someone in Memphis instead of the outsourced robots, I was able to order everything over the phone. I pilfered stuff from the local stores until then.
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Messages in this Thread
 FedEx Supplies - a rant... - JanetK_CA on 2/20/21 6:17pm
 Re: FedEx Supplies - a rant... - SC/CA on 2/20/21 6:45pm
 Re: FedEx Supplies - a rant... - JanetK_CA on 2/20/21 7:59pm
 Happened to me a few months ago - MariaMO on 2/20/21 9:32pm
 I get that from UPS--they won't send me supplies because -  MW/VA on 2/21/21 7:45am
 UPS is difficult, but if you TALK to a rep.... - Lee/AR on 2/21/21 8:55am
 Re: UPS is difficult, but if you TALK to a rep.... -  JanetK_CA on 2/21/21 4:53pm
 Agree. It's counter-intelligent, but no cancel for non-use n/m - Lee/AR on 2/21/21 5:56pm
 Re: UPS is difficult, but if you TALK to a rep.... - Sue on 2/24/21 4:18pm
 Re: I get that from UPS--they won - Luckydog on 2/21/21 11:09am
 Ship something once or twice a year - Kellosh/CA on 2/22/21 10:42am

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