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Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA
Posted by  Expeditor of CA on 6/21/22 12:23pm Msg #640926
Hi Carla, I would have used the preprinted certificate and lined out the aka.
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 Quitclaim Deed AKA - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 8:27am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - Clem/CA on 6/21/22 8:51am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA -  Ilene C. Seidel on 6/21/22 8:58am
 I agree. check with the tc. IMO she's signing with the -  MW/VA on 6/21/22 9:07am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA -  walthtz on 6/21/22 9:34am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - VT_Syrup on 6/21/22 9:43am
 I agree with the others, ask title what they want. ?? - Clem/CA on 6/21/22 10:13am
 Re: I agree with the others, ask title what they want. ?? - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 10:20am
 They can sign however title wants them to sign - Linda_H/FL on 6/21/22 10:27am
 Re: They can sign however title wants them to sign - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 10:36am
 Re: They can sign however title wants them to sign - Linda_H/FL on 6/21/22 10:48am
 Re: They can sign however title wants them to sign - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 1:14pm
 Re: They can sign however title wants them to sign -  Yoli/CA on 6/21/22 11:47am
 Well said, Yoli. I agree 100%. n/m -  JanetK_CA on 6/21/22 4:06pm
 Yoli/CA … even if borrower has a valid ID - Gavina Franklin on 6/22/22 5:40am
 Re: Yoli/CA … even if borrower has a valid ID - VT_Syrup on 6/22/22 9:15am
 Re: I agree with the others, ask title what they want. ?? - VT_Syrup on 6/21/22 11:10am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 10:02am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA -  walthtz on 6/21/22 10:25am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 10:35am
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA -  walthtz on 6/21/22 12:11pm
 "Title has the final say."1 - Linda_H/FL on 6/21/22 12:15pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - VT_Syrup on 6/21/22 12:52pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA -  JanetK_CA on 6/21/22 4:32pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA -  Expeditor on 6/21/22 12:23pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 1:17pm
 Sounds ike you made the right decision for yourself! n/m -  JanetK_CA on 6/21/22 4:34pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - PaigeTurner on 6/21/22 1:04pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 1:18pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - Carla Torrelli on 6/21/22 1:23pm
 Re: Quitclaim Deed AKA - sue_pa on 6/22/22 10:29am
 IMO, this was much ado about nothing. If it was a typo -  MW/VA on 6/23/22 9:44am
 Re: IMO, this was much ado about nothing. If it was a typo - VT_Syrup on 6/23/22 10:52am
 Re: IMO, this was much ado about nothing. If it was a typo -  Yoli/CA on 6/23/22 1:50pm
 100% spot on, Yoli! I agree with your entire post. -  JanetK_CA on 6/23/22 3:57pm

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