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Re: It will iimpact every CA notary
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 12/11/23 4:14pm Msg #647360
Great point, but based on what I hear from GNW customers, I think saying that independent notaries "will likely be all but completely wiped out", is probably a little bit of an exaggeration - at least in the short term, and maybe for some time beyond. However, I don't doubt the impact will be dramatic long term, especially with generational change.

Like Cheryl, I expect to be fully retired by then, but those out there who are thinking of this business as a long-term career should think long and hard about that plan. RON won't get rolled out in California for at least another seven years, which gives lots of time to make other plans, and/or to heavily research becoming a RON notary (and whether or not that could be profitable enough to pursue as a full time occupation). Keep in mind that with RON, you're competing not only with other notaries within driving distance, but with every other RON notary in the country, with standards, fee options, etc. that will vary greatly from one state to the next.

There's plenty of time to prepare for future changes, but only if one doesn't stick their head in the sand and 'hope' that things get better. Forewarned is forearmed.
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Messages in this Thread
 Hey, Matt Miller -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/6/23 11:21am
 Re: Hey, Matt Miller -  Yoli/CA on 12/6/23 2:01pm
 Re: Thanks Cheryl! - Matt Miller on 12/6/23 3:24pm
 Re: Thanks Cheryl! -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/8/23 9:23am
 Re: It will iimpact every CA notary - Matt Miller on 12/11/23 1:52pm
 Re: It will iimpact every CA notary -  JanetK_CA on 12/11/23 4:14pm
 Re: It will impact every CA notary - Matt Miller on 12/12/23 8:33am
 Re: It will impact every CA notary -  Yoli/CA on 12/12/23 10:21am
 Re: It will impact every CA notary - Matt Miller on 12/14/23 6:54pm

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