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Re: It will impact every CA notary
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 12/12/23 10:21amMsg #647367
" ... hundreds of thousands of us .... "

This thread is regarding California notaries. As of this morning, California has 144793 active notaries.


My observation of RON in California thus far:

Some counties in California still require wet signing of certain documents. What I've been told by some signers is that they've completed a lot of their signing online. Sometimes, their file is handled as a hybrid signing where approximately half of the package (which includes all notarized docs) is signed in person. Sometimes, the only document signed in person is the DOT or Grant Deed.

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Messages in this Thread
 Hey, Matt Miller -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/6/23 11:21am
 Re: Hey, Matt Miller -  Yoli/CA on 12/6/23 2:01pm
 Re: Thanks Cheryl! - Matt Miller on 12/6/23 3:24pm
 Re: Thanks Cheryl! -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/8/23 9:23am
 Re: It will iimpact every CA notary - Matt Miller on 12/11/23 1:52pm
 Re: It will iimpact every CA notary -  JanetK_CA on 12/11/23 4:14pm
 Re: It will impact every CA notary - Matt Miller on 12/12/23 8:33am
 Re: It will impact every CA notary -  Yoli/CA on 12/12/23 10:21am
 Re: It will impact every CA notary - Matt Miller on 12/14/23 6:54pm

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