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Re: Process Serving?
Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 6/10/24 10:00am Msg #648615
I also do a lot of this sort of work. One trip is worth $50 to $75. The only thing to really take into consideration is your personal safety. Sometimes the client can become angry, hostile and even turn their dogs loose on you. No firearms or paint guns yet. Make sure your mate knows what/where and check in about your status.

Mostly my trips have bren pretty uneventful. Still anything can happen.

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Messages in this Thread
 Process Serving? - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 6/8/24 11:15am
 Re: Process Serving? - Linda_H/FL on 6/8/24 12:32pm
 Re: Process Serving?...meant to add - Linda_H/FL on 6/8/24 12:35pm
 Re: Process Serving? -  Yoli/CA on 6/8/24 3:24pm
 Don't like potential 3 trips. - Lee/AR on 6/8/24 4:55pm
 Re: Don -  Yoli/CA on 6/8/24 5:15pm
 Re: Don - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 6/8/24 5:37pm
 Re: Don -  Yoli/CA on 6/9/24 10:41am
 Re: Process Serving? -  Cheryl Elliott on 6/10/24 10:00am
 Re: Process Serving? - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 6/10/24 2:54pm
 Re: Process Serving? -  Cheryl Elliott on 6/10/24 4:22pm
 Re: Process Serving? -  Expeditor on 6/11/24 1:14am
 Re: Process Serving? -  Cheryl Elliott on 6/11/24 9:04am
 Re: Procserving? Noone knows what is behind Any closed door! n/m - HeatherR/CA on 6/16/24 1:39pm
 Re: Procserving? Noone knows what is behind Any closed door! - SteveS/CA on 6/18/24 4:51pm

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