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Re: Process Serving?
Posted by Linda_H/FL of FL on 6/8/24 12:32pm Msg #648600
Only you can decide if this is going to be worthwhile for you. But I WILL tell you that they may not all be easy and cordial as your assignment. Please be careful. Good luck to you.

To other notaries....check your state's Rules of Civil Procedure about who is able to perform service of process - in Florida there is a statute that covers this and a process to go through to be able to do it. Same in CT - only specific individuals can do it.
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Messages in this Thread
 Process Serving? - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 6/8/24 11:15am
 Re: Process Serving? - Linda_H/FL on 6/8/24 12:32pm
 Re: Process Serving?...meant to add - Linda_H/FL on 6/8/24 12:35pm
 Re: Process Serving? -  Yoli/CA on 6/8/24 3:24pm
 Don't like potential 3 trips. - Lee/AR on 6/8/24 4:55pm
 Re: Don -  Yoli/CA on 6/8/24 5:15pm
 Re: Don - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 6/8/24 5:37pm
 Re: Don -  Yoli/CA on 6/9/24 10:41am
 Re: Process Serving? -  Cheryl Elliott on 6/10/24 10:00am
 Re: Process Serving? - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 6/10/24 2:54pm
 Re: Process Serving? -  Cheryl Elliott on 6/10/24 4:22pm
 Re: Process Serving? -  Expeditor on 6/11/24 1:14am
 Re: Process Serving? -  Cheryl Elliott on 6/11/24 9:04am
 Re: Procserving? Noone knows what is behind Any closed door! n/m - HeatherR/CA on 6/16/24 1:39pm
 Re: Procserving? Noone knows what is behind Any closed door! - SteveS/CA on 6/18/24 4:51pm

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