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Re: Name order on California ID
Posted by VT_Syrup of VT on 1/10/25 9:06am Msg #649956
It seems to me there are two questions:

1. Which are family names and which are given names on the ID? You may know this from experience if you have dealt with the type of ID presented in the past. Or, you may know from experience what names are usually family names and which are usually given names in the country of interest.

2. Which are the family names and which are the given names on the document? In my state, VT, "a notary public may require an individual to provide additional information or identification credentials necessary to assure the notary public of the identity of the individual." So I could require a contact phone number so I could ask whoever prepared the document. Or I could look up tax records. CA law doesn't seem to say if you could do that sort of thing. (26 V.S.A. § 5365)
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Messages in this Thread
 Name order on California ID - JustANotary on 1/9/25 12:11pm
 Re: Name order on California ID -  Yoli/CA on 1/9/25 1:17pm
 Re: Name order on California ID - JustANotary on 1/9/25 1:26pm
 Re: Name order on California ID -  JanetK_CA on 1/9/25 7:20pm
 Re: Name order on California ID - JustANotary on 1/9/25 10:10pm
 Re: Name order on California ID -  canotaryhere on 1/9/25 11:24pm
 Re: Name order on California ID - VT_Syrup on 1/10/25 9:06am
 Re: Name order on California ID - Ken/NoCal on 1/12/25 8:52pm

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