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Not only that...
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 7/21/15 8:33pm Msg #534882
I would want that notation (i.e. that another certificate is attached) to be written or stamped right on that page, not on a sticky. The classic example that comes to mind for why, is what VT_Syrup said above, when you're the 2nd notary and the first one didn't cross out the second person's name. Especially if they don't specify the "he/she/they" parts, it's all too easy for the second certificate to get separated from the document - even if it's stapled - and tossed, or even used with something else.

In a split signing, if I'm the first notary and the certificate is CA compliant, I use it. If it's not, and the property is in another state where it might be OK (and the second notary could use it), I leave it blank, attach my certificate, but add "See attached..." on the signature page near the signature of my signer. That way there's no fudging with who signed what, when and where. And it might make it easier for the next notary.
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Messages in this Thread
 preprinted notary names - Beverly/CA on 7/20/15 7:36pm
 How else could you have handled it? -  Teresa/FL on 7/20/15 7:41pm
 Re: preprinted notary names - LKT/CA on 7/20/15 7:51pm
 yep, agree with LKT.... - notarydi/CA on 7/20/15 8:39pm
 Re: yep, agree with LKT.... - Beverly/CA on 7/20/15 9:16pm
 Re: yep, agree with LKT.... -  MonicaFL on 7/20/15 9:49pm
 Re: yep, agree with LKT.... -  VT_Syrup on 7/21/15 1:17pm
 great timing for this post! - Darlin_AL on 7/20/15 10:53pm
 Re: great timing for this post! -  John Tennant on 7/20/15 11:05pm
 Re: great timing for this post! -  VT_Syrup on 7/21/15 1:15pm
 Re: preprinted notary names - So_Cal_Gal on 7/21/15 4:42pm
 Re: preprinted notary names - So_Cal_Gal on 7/21/15 5:04pm
 Suggestion, SoCalGal: - BearPaw/CO on 7/21/15 7:41pm
 Not only that... -  JanetK_CA on 7/21/15 8:33pm
 I thought this was GNW, not a loan closing -  Teresa/FL on 7/21/15 6:45pm
 Re: I thought this was GNW, not a loan closing -  Claudine Osborne on 7/22/15 10:21pm

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