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Re: House Passes RON
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 8/8/22 3:19pm Msg #641688
I agree, Matt. What I find really sad is that XYZ, which purports to support notaries (and presumably the notarial function at large, as a by product) seems to be on the side of those promoting RON instead of providing some counter to the largely unsupported claims of increased security. I never see any documentation or explanation of how RON is supposedly more secure, other than vague references, just numerous statements that it is. And somehow no decision makers question that? (But then I suppose that's how lobbying works - along with some healthy political donations. Frown)

Has anyone heard from any of the active regional notary organizations around the country on this issue? Are they all in bed together on RON or maybe just way behind in keeping up with the technology (like some of the rest of us...)? Wink
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Messages in this Thread
 House Passes RON -  Amigoaz on 8/3/22 8:42pm
 Wow! Thanks for the info! n/m - Bear900/CA on 8/4/22 6:57am
 Re: House Passes RON -  Cheryl Elliott on 8/4/22 8:05am
 Wow! XYZ's lobbying efforts! n/m -  MW/VA on 8/4/22 8:39am
 Peanuts. MBA, ALTA and lending industry n/m - Bear900/CA on 8/4/22 10:08am
 Re: House Passes RON - VT_Syrup on 8/4/22 10:24am
 Re: House Passes RON - some random thoughts... -  JanetK_CA on 8/4/22 2:11pm
 Which state? n/m - PaigeTurner on 8/4/22 7:16pm
 Sorry, I guess all 50 states now? n/m - PaigeTurner on 8/4/22 7:17pm
 I don't see how, since notary laws are by state. n/m -  MW/VA on 8/5/22 3:51pm
 Re: I don -  JanetK_CA on 8/5/22 6:40pm
 RON.. gotta wonder - Signerbill on 8/7/22 2:22pm
 Re: House Passes RON - Matt Miller on 8/8/22 12:06pm
 Re: House Passes RON -  JanetK_CA on 8/8/22 3:19pm
 I find it interesting that they'd take this away from the -  MW/VA on 8/8/22 4:15pm
 Re: House Passes RON - VT_Syrup on 8/8/22 4:21pm
 Re: House Passes RON -  JanetK_CA on 8/9/22 5:14pm
 Re: House Passes RON - SteveS/CA on 8/9/22 10:48am
 Re: House Passes RON -  JanetK_CA on 8/9/22 3:28pm

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