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Rates hit 6.4% on Friday. Paper or digital closings? It does
Posted by grapebed of MO on 9/25/22 8:33pm Msg #642482
not matter. This business is dead. Period. Case closed. Unless there is another global economic crisis, (which is always possible), rates will never again fall below 3.50%

Field inspections, mystery shopper, wedding officiant, notary public etc. That's no way to make a living that can adequately support a household.

Newbies beware. Do not spend an inappropriate amount of money on useless courses or expensive equipment. Don't spend money on mentors to teach you a money losing business. It makes no sense$.

Instead, take a course at a local community college and learn a legitimate or marketable skill Meet with a career counselor at the community college. Get some professional career advice from him/her. It is probably free. Being a notary is not a career for 99.99% commissioned notaries. The notary educators have done quite well, thank you very much.

The economy is still quite strong. There are plenty of good paying jobs (with great benefits) out there. The best investment you can make is in yourself via quality healthcare and education (no loan signing classes!).
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