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Re: My experience with jails...
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 2/3/23 6:30pm Msg #644290
I can relate. The only jail that's reasonably close to me is a minimum security facility located on what's basically a large farm, surrounded by lots of fenced-in land. We're not allowed to bring in anything but the bare essentials. [Purse, phone, etc. must be left behind in car.] Last time I went, I wasn't allowed to even bring in a pen, just my journal, stamp and thumb printer. [I had to borrow a pen from a guard.]

Plus, after getting checked in, there was a bus ride needed to get to the building where visitors were allowed. So there was time spent waiting for the bus to get there, then waiting again when it was time to leave. So I haven't done any of those for a long time. These days, though, I might reconsider (for a significant fee), because the likelihood of getting a call while inside is much less than it used to be... Wink
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Messages in this Thread
 Go to jail, collect $200 -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/27/23 5:04pm
 Re: Go to jail, collect $200 - ananotary on 1/27/23 6:02pm
 My experience with jails... - FeliseSoCal on 2/3/23 12:50pm
 Re: My experience with jails... -  JanetK_CA on 2/3/23 6:30pm
 Re: Go to jail, collect $200 - PaigeTurner on 1/28/23 5:07pm
 Re: Go to jail, collect $200 -  Mike Goodey on 1/28/23 7:01pm
 Re: Go to jail, collect $200 -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/28/23 5:28pm
 Re: Go to jail, collect $200 - nice payday Cheryl - Linda_H/FL on 1/29/23 10:20am
 Re: Go to jail, collect $200 - nice payday Cheryl -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/29/23 12:09pm
 Re: Go to jail, collect $200 -  Expeditor on 1/29/23 6:55pm

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