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Refurb Toner - Linkyo???
Posted by SReis of MA on 11/2/23 12:20pm Msg #647106
Hi a few ppl mentioned using Linkyo for reburb toner. I have been using orig brother toner/drums for a cpl yrs now after the quality of LD Products became so poor and ruined one of my printers. After so many rave reviews in the forum re: Linkyo I was going to give it a try but after an online search it appears they may no longer be in business. The website domain no longer exists and all Linkyo Brother products on amazon all say "Unavailable." Anyone else noticed this?
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Messages in this Thread
 Refurb Toner - Linkyo??? - SReis on 11/2/23 12:20pm
 Say it isn't so! -  Yoli/CA on 11/2/23 12:39pm
 Re: Refurb Toner - Linkyo??? - Jean Bellour on 11/19/23 9:35am

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