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Re: Refurb Toner - Linkyo???
Posted by Jean Bellour of AZ on 11/19/23 9:35am Msg #647160
I used Linkyo "compatible" cartridges for about 2 years on my Epson printer. While it saved me versus authentic Epson cartridges, I noticed my print quality started degrading in about a month (fading contrast, vertical lines, etc.). I tried taking out the cartridge and shaking it which sometimes helped. When my printer died (a very sad moment), I called an acquaintance at Office Max and he reminded my that you get what you pay for, particularly when going off brand.

I replaced my Epson and now only use Epson cartridges (dual packs from major sellers). My printer has not had any degradation in 2 years hence. Professional print quality, far less jamming, my Epson loves me again....

I prefer having the quality of my product be a representative of my pride in my work.
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Messages in this Thread
 Refurb Toner - Linkyo??? - SReis on 11/2/23 12:20pm
 Say it isn't so! -  Yoli/CA on 11/2/23 12:39pm
 Re: Refurb Toner - Linkyo??? - Jean Bellour on 11/19/23 9:35am

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