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Say it isn't so!
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 11/2/23 12:39pm Msg #647107
No, I had not noticed this. Luckily, I'd stocked up a while back for both my Brother printers.

I did find Linkyo just now on ebay. If you go through ebay, be sure to click on the "new" condition. Another good compatible toner is the v4ink and that one is available on Amazon.
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Messages in this Thread
 Refurb Toner - Linkyo??? - SReis on 11/2/23 12:20pm
 Say it isn't so! -  Yoli/CA on 11/2/23 12:39pm
 Re: Refurb Toner - Linkyo??? - Jean Bellour on 11/19/23 9:35am

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