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Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks
Posted by aanotary of CA on 12/13/23 3:20pm Msg #647385
For me personally- I won't and don't want to work as hard as I did in 2019-2021. If I could do double what I am doing now- say 30-35 signings a month I would be thrilled . I bought my California house in 2009 and paid if off ( thank you notary loan signing business) and moved to Arizona and bought a cheaper house and saved the difference. So again for me - not necessarily you. Any little uptick in business and I can get by- so I am excited by todays news- Plus the stock market is way up Smile
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Messages in this Thread
 FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks - aanotary on 12/13/23 2:14pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks -  Yoli/CA on 12/13/23 2:35pm
 Sadly agree with Yoli n/m - Lee/AR on 12/13/23 2:48pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/13/23 3:08pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks - aanotary on 12/13/23 3:20pm
 aanotary- Loving the stock market gains! - ananotary on 12/13/23 7:47pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks -  Mike Goodey on 12/13/23 7:14pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/13/23 7:48pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks -  JanetK_CA on 12/14/23 4:10pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks - Lisa Joy Phillips on 12/14/23 3:38pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks - Matt Miller on 12/15/23 10:17am

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