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Re: On perceived value and knowing your worth...
Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 3/16/24 11:53pm Msg #648003
Signing order sends out offers that are equally as absurd. Cloud Signings had once this week. They are very slow payers. Loan signings are not what they once were. Had a trust package today for $300. I did not print. Showed up and was done in less than an hour. Client paid me when I walked in the door. It is just not worth hearing front most ss's and platforms any longer. I had a private $$ loan for a cash out. A nightmare.
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Messages in this Thread
 On perceived value and knowing your worth... - JanetK_CA on 3/16/24 2:56am
 Re: On perceived value and knowing your worth... -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/16/24 11:46am
 Re: On perceived value and knowing your worth... - SteveS/CA on 3/16/24 7:15pm
 Re: On perceived value and knowing your worth... -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/16/24 11:53pm
 Re: On perceived value and knowing your worth... - The Signing Resource - Kevin on 3/20/24 3:36am
 Welcome to NotRot, Kevin -  Yoli/CA on 3/20/24 9:33am
 Re: On perceived value and knowing your worth... -  JanetK_CA on 3/20/24 5:41pm
 This also hold true for R/E brokers. food for thought..... n/m - sigtogo/OR on 3/18/24 7:37pm
 Re: On perceived value and knowing your worth... - The Signing Resource - Kevin on 3/20/24 3:39am

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