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Re: Cornell West disqualified on Mi ballot due to notary error
Posted by Lee/AR of AR on 8/17/24 1:20pm Msg #649087
To me, it really isn't clear what she did or didn't do. The form doesn't have a 'space' for the State nor room for a stamp. It is, sadly, like so many other state forms that do not follow any state's notarial requirements, not even their own state's. And I suspect they wouldn't have 'accepted' any attached paper, regardless of the fact that it's the best thing to do.
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Messages in this Thread
 Cornell West disqualified on Mi ballot due to notary error -  Expeditor on 8/17/24 8:45am
 Re: Cornell West disqualified on Mi ballot due to notary error -  Yoli/CA on 8/17/24 10:10am
 Re: Cornell West disqualified on Mi ballot due to notary error -  Expeditor on 8/17/24 11:35am
 Re: Cornell West disqualified on Mi ballot due to notary error - Jose Manuel Lugo on 8/17/24 12:21pm
 Re: Cornell West disqualified on Mi ballot due to notary error - Lee/AR on 8/17/24 1:20pm
 Re: Cornell West disqualified on Mi ballot due to notary error - VT_Syrup on 8/18/24 5:23pm
 Re: Cornell West disqualified on Mi ballot due to notary error - PMB_WashSt on 9/1/24 3:16pm
 Update: Cornell West back on the ballot - VT_Syrup on 9/2/24 1:48pm
 Re: Update: Cornell West back on the ballot - VT_Syrup on 9/2/24 2:39pm

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