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Re: The Closing Exchange Vs. Signature Closers
Posted by Christina Andrews of NC on 12/8/24 12:07pm Msg #649793
I have a couple of companies that seem intertwined like this. Mortgage Connect and Cloud Signings, and Cloud Signings is always ridiculously low. I usually counter MC with my fee and sometimes they will meet it. Other times, they will send out blasts every 20-40 minutes with $10 incremental raises on the fee until they get someone to take it. Often they've wasted 2-4 hours to get someone $10-30 cheaper than me. And there aren't that many NSAs in this part of NC. Pennywise, pound foolish.
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Messages in this Thread
 The Closing Exchange Vs. Signature Closers -  Yoli/CA on 12/6/24 11:28am
 Re: The Closing Exchange Vs. Signature Closers -  Bee_CA on 12/6/24 1:31pm
 Re: The Closing Exchange Vs. Signature Closers -  Yoli/CA on 12/6/24 1:48pm
 Re: The Closing Exchange Vs. Signature Closers -  Bee_CA on 12/6/24 2:41pm
 I see this scenario monthly--not affiliated--shopping around - Lee/AR on 12/6/24 2:45pm
 Re: gotta cut out the middle man! -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/6/24 8:56pm
 Re: gotta cut out the middle man! - SteveS/CA on 12/24/24 1:55pm
 Re: The Closing Exchange Vs. Signature Closers - Christina Andrews on 12/8/24 12:07pm
 Re: The Closing Exchange Vs. Signature Closers - SteveS/CA on 12/24/24 2:07pm

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