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Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely.
Posted by Mills Mobile Notary Service of OR on 1/12/25 12:53pm Msg #649963
I need to partially retract my previous message. Somehow in my mind it was Monday when it is Sunday. So they are not open on Sunday, so they probably not closing.

It is still strange that they would block be from new signings, a week before the expiration of my background check and do so without telling me. I have an excellent rating with them. I'll update this thread after I contact them tomorrow, Monday.
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Messages in this Thread
 Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. Maybe really closing - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 1/12/25 12:42pm
 Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 1/12/25 12:53pm
 Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. -  JanetK_CA on 1/12/25 11:12pm
 Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. Maybe really closing - JMoniqueC on 1/13/25 3:21pm
 Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. Maybe really closing - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 1/13/25 5:41pm
 Re: Closing Exchange is behaving strangely. Maybe really closing - SteveS/CA on 1/17/25 10:35am

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