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Re: New US passport consent form released, still bad
Posted by  Notary/ of CO on 1/24/25 11:06am Msg #650013
I've had people tell me the Postal employee refused the document with a loose certificate attached.

I tell people that many federal documents are known for not adhering to notarial law. And, attempts to address this have fallen on deaf ears for years.

When asked to notarize any federal form, I explain the issue to the requester and state that I will need to staple a loose certificate to the document. Further advising that I've had clients say the Postal employee refused to accept the document and ask if they want me to proceed with notarizing the document(s) in compliance with Colorado Notarial Law. Most say yes.

One customer said she was going to bypass the post office review and mail/submit the document directly to the US Department Of State.
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Messages in this Thread
 New US passport consent form released, still bad - VT_Syrup on 1/22/25 11:03am
 Doesn't sound like this new form will pass muster - Linda_H/FL on 1/22/25 12:03pm
 Wouldn't work here, in California, either -  JanetK_CA on 1/22/25 5:52pm
 And I thought this form couldn’t get any worse. n/m - FlaNotary2 on 1/22/25 7:26pm
 Re: New US passport consent form released, still bad - VT_Syrup on 1/22/25 10:16pm
 Re: New US passport consent form released, still bad -  Notary/ on 1/24/25 11:06am
 Re: New US passport consent form released, still bad - VT_Syrup on 1/24/25 12:07pm

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