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Re: Premier Global Notary LLC Capitola, CA
Posted by Pamela/CA of CA on 1/31/25 12:03pm Msg #650043
Yes, more than uncomfortable - I believe it's illegal. I got the same blast - thought it was bc I do Trust docs. Usually, the pkg goes directly to the Clients but I have done some that came to me and I carried it to the clients. They have created their Revocable Living Trust online via an attorney office who does these easy to fill out forms. When I arrive, there is always the POA, and Trust to notarize and/or witness signatures on other docs. Glad I turned down PGN.
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Messages in this Thread
 Premier Global Notary LLC Capitola, CA - D DeMarco on 1/30/25 10:20am
 Re: Premier Global Notary LLC Capitola, CA -  JanetK_CA on 1/30/25 11:45pm
 Re: Premier Global Notary LLC Capitola, CA - Pamela/CA on 1/31/25 12:03pm
 Not sure about it but - Clem/CA on 1/31/25 7:16pm
 Re: Not sure about it but -  JanetK_CA on 2/2/25 2:34am
 Re: Not sure about it but - D DeMarco on 2/3/25 3:22pm

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