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Ink rubbing off poor toner fixing ???
Posted by Clem/CA of CA on 1/31/25 5:36pm Msg #650045
How does ink rub off if there is only toner involved? I'm confused more than normal.
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Messages in this Thread
 Ink rubbing off poor toner fixing - Tasha/WI on 1/27/25 11:30am
 Re: Ink rubbing off poor toner fixing -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/27/25 11:34am
 Hope Cheryl's right. Fuser might be going. n/m - Lee/AR on 1/27/25 12:55pm
 Re: Ink rubbing off poor toner fixing -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/27/25 1:55pm
 Re: Ink rubbing off poor toner fixing - Tasha/WI on 1/27/25 2:45pm
 I'm getting in the weeds here but - Lee/AR on 1/27/25 8:37pm
 When all else fails..ask MS Edge Co-pilot (AI) - Lee/AR on 1/27/25 8:43pm
 Re: When all else fails..ask MS Edge Co-pilot (AI) -  LarryNY on 1/28/25 3:36pm
 Re: Ink rubbing off poor toner fixing -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/28/25 8:13pm
 Re: Ink rubbing off poor toner fixing - Tasha/WI on 2/4/25 6:09pm
 Curious to know printer brand, HP? Brother? Other? Tks! n/m -  JanetK_CA on 2/6/25 5:34pm
 DITTO! Curious to know printer brand, HP, Brother Other? n/m - Lee/AR on 2/7/25 8:33am
 Ink rubbing off poor toner fixing ??? - Clem/CA on 1/31/25 5:36pm
 Re: Ink rubbing off poor toner fixing ??? - Tasha/WI on 2/8/25 7:47pm
 Ink is ink and toner is toner. They aren't the same thing. - Lee/AR on 2/9/25 9:00am

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