Don't expect to hear back from anyone about that. This is not a touchy-feely nurturing kind of board. They'd rather discourage you from entering the field because they feel the notary/loan signing business is saturated and you'd be potentially cutting into their turf.
It takes a good month to month and a half to get your first signing. You'll need to sign up with as many signing services as you can find and it will feel like it takes forever to get that first call.
The key to repeat business is not how much you charge or don't charge. Sure, some will call you back if you're super cheap, but they won't show you any type of loyalty in the long run. Customer service is the key to repeat business. The signing services and title companies appreciate someone who is available to them when they need them and who will report back after the closing and follow up via phone or email that the docs were sent back and even received.
I've impressed the pants off the people I deal with by verifying with UPS/FedEx that the closing docs were received by the SS or TC and sending an email to the person I dealt with saying: I have confirmed the closing docs were received by your office and signed for by Joe Smith. It was a pleasure to assist you and I look forward to helping you in the future.
It takes them by surprise and every SS or TC I've done this with has called me again.
So many people on here complain about the SS and low fees and act like the SS is the enemy. If the truth be know (or admitted) we're each other's parasites and we live off each other. If you're fair and respectful with others, others will treat you the same. Sure, there are bad apples out there, but for the most part there's more good than bad. We just hear about the bad much more often.
Without any experience in the real estate arena, I wouldn't advise anyone to quit their day job and jump into this business feet first. How long will it take you to make $3,000/month? No one can answer that. How much will it cost you to make $3,000/month? Read the postings on here and get an idea as to how much it will cost to get started and maintain a business which "CAN" require you to spend a great deal of time in your car.
The real estate market is changing. Interest rates are going up and housing in certain parts of the country are not affordable. You need to evaluate where your living and what is happening in your area. You need to do a "Find A Notary" search on several different websites and get a feel for how many "active" notaries there are in your neck of the woods.
Many notaries don't rely solely on loan signings for their primary income. You'll note several are non-denominational ministers, some do property inspections, and other types of things to make a living.
If you're really serious about getting started, I suggest that you read the postings from Jan 1, 2005 to date and see who is saying what on here. Then, get email addresses for people you think may be helpful and start contacting them via email. It's more difficult to say "no" and be unhelpful on a one-to-one basis. Here, online, on the message board it's like people can stone you at one time and chase you away.
Find out (by reading past messages) who is helpful and then approach them individually.
Best of luck!