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Re: considering the profession, Very well saied Anon.n/m
Posted by Anonymous of CA on 5/11/05 4:19pm Msg #37177
Hey... I'm from New Jersey... Only know how to be straight forward and honesty and abrupt.

Read the recent postings... Search for start up costs and get a feel for what's going on. Then start some one on one communications and you'll get a much better feel for this whole craziness.

Don't let anyone sell you some pie in the sky thing and don't let anyone discourage you. You can do it if this is what you really want to do.

I'm helping my best friend's husband get into the business. I do believe in it.

Best of luck... I mean that sincerely.
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Messages in this Thread
 considering the profession - happdoll on 5/11/05 2:36pm
 Re: considering the profession -  SamIam_CA on 5/11/05 2:44pm
 Re: considering the profession - happdoll/va on 5/11/05 3:03pm
 Re: considering the profession - Anonymous on 5/11/05 4:00pm
 Re: considering the profession, Very well saied Anon.n/m - ERNA_CA on 5/11/05 4:08pm
 Re: considering the profession, Very well saied Anon.n/m - happdoll on 5/11/05 4:15pm
 Re: considering the profession, Very well saied Anon.n/m - Anonymous on 5/11/05 4:19pm
 Re: considering the profession, Very well saied Anon.n/m - happdoll on 5/11/05 4:25pm
 Email? - Anonymous on 5/11/05 4:27pm
 Re: Email? - happdoll on 5/11/05 4:29pm
 Re: Email? - Anonymous on 5/11/05 4:33pm
 On becoming a signing agent... - MsRobbo on 5/11/05 4:54pm
 Re: Email? -  CarolynCO on 5/11/05 7:28pm
 Re: considering the profession - CaliNotary on 5/11/05 7:02pm

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