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Re: YOU have to take control of your time...
Posted by NotaryPa of ? on 5/12/05 6:57am Msg #37267
Thank you everyone, for your support! I appreciate your advice on the edoc time limit. Most of the companies I work for are pretty good at getting the docs to me that am or the day before, and I haven't had this happen since March, when this same particular co. I was talking about gave me 2 signings. One was so late that I couldn't do the signing b/c it would have meant missing my other appts. The other one, the docs came 3 hours after the appt., I had no other appts. and the borrowers didn't mind me coming at 9:30 pm. (Although I minded going then! lol) This was the third signing they asked me to do and I thought I'd give them one more chance in case the other 2 happened to be a fluke. It appears that this is the way the do their business all the time. ( I did a search on them here and they had good f/b , that's why I wanted to give it another go! )
The mortgage co. had 2 people call me and the title co. hd 2 people call me when I was on the signing and they all had the same # (with different extensions.) I left a message with the scheduler only, telling him that I would not jeopardize my notary comm. b/c they can't get their docs out in time. I will call today and ask them to take my name out of their database!
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Messages in this Thread
 how is it that "they" make us feel guilty... - notarypa on 5/11/05 10:09pm
 Re: how is it that "they" make us feel guilty... - CaliNotary on 5/11/05 10:27pm
 Cali is right. I do the same on all points. n/m - Melody on 5/11/05 10:45pm
 Re: Cali is right. I do the same on all points. n/m - LW/WI on 5/11/05 10:53pm
 YOU have to take control of your time... - Roger/OH on 5/11/05 11:37pm
 Re: YOU have to take control of your time... - calipat/ca on 5/12/05 12:48am
 Re: YOU have to take control of your time... - NotaryPa on 5/12/05 6:57am
 Re: YOU have to take control of your time... - NotaryPa on 5/12/05 9:23am
 paging george jetson.... - monica on 5/13/05 9:19pm

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