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Discussion involving leisure activities: books, travel, hobbies, sports, Internet fun and more. Please read Msg #1 before posting.

Re: Gardening for geeks and green thumbs
Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 1/17/17 7:29am Msg #28159
We've been doing this "biodynamic" gardening in raised boxes for 12 years. It absolutely pays off! You'll reap rewards in 18" tall kale and chard, unbelievable tomatoes, cukes, string beans, etc. Our chard comes back every year a couple of times. Our fruit trees and grape vines are humongous. Your neighbors should be grateful for your efforts as all the nutrients you're feeding your own garden will spread around in all directions. We see it here, our oak trees reap the benefits of the garden nutrients. Makes the weeds taller too, unfortunately.

YAY! I know this all is very therapeutic for you as well. Nothing like watching things grow. There's a whole science to planting in the full moonlight. You could now write the "Farmers Almanac".
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Messages in this Thread
 Gardening for geeks and green thumbs - Bear900/CA on 1/17/17 12:51am
 Re: Gardening for geeks and green thumbs -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/17/17 7:29am
 Re: Planting in the full moonlight - Bear900/CA on 1/17/17 3:24pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks update - Bear900/CA on 1/17/17 3:19pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks update - anotaryinva on 1/19/17 6:03pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks update - Bear900/CA on 1/21/17 4:55pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks and green thumbs - jba/fl on 1/21/17 9:39pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks and green thumbs - anotaryinva on 1/22/17 2:31pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks and green thumbs - Bear900/CA on 1/22/17 5:54pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks and green thumbs - Bear900/CA on 1/22/17 6:04pm
 Re: Gardening for geeks and green thumbs - anotaryinva on 1/23/17 1:11pm
 Growing Zones count but... - Bear900/CA on 1/23/17 3:35pm

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