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Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story
Posted by Luckydog of FL on 5/27/19 11:54am Msg #606754
First, so glad you are okay Peggi. Things can go wrong really fast.

I personally do not go out with out a confirmation phone call. I have on occassion broken that rule when I tell the hiring party I can't reach them, and they have, and it's usually due to time conflicts or they work remotely, etc. If I cannot reach them, I never go at night. I don't want to be ringing someones's door bell in the dark and then get blown away because of a parnoid or crazy person not expecting me or the wrong house.

I do park in driveways whenever I can just because I work in urban communities where the roads are narrow, mailboxes are usually really close together, or some places have a left side and right side to park on for various days, so who knows. It's really an issue in a lot of communities because of poor planning that a firetruck ambulances cannot get through when cars are parked on the road both sides. Just me. I also think it's a quicker escape getting to your car if need be than running out that extra 20 feet to the road AND when raining.
In your case Peggi, even if in the drive, that is usually a pubic easement if a sidewalk runs through it, under power lines anyway. Let them call the cops, better yet! You had business and was sent there and had every right to be there. As Cheryl said, your buyer could be tied up or in the freezer somewhere, who knows. The only disadvantage is you have to back up, and if they blocked your path, could be another story. This way you had a straight exit out of there.

As what Linda said, if you have a gun, you have to be prepared to use it and not think twice. You are no spring chicken, so if you pull that gun, those young men could grab it away and use it on you. It's a stand your ground issue, and personally, I wouldn't pull or bring a gun just because you were scared. Maybe a tazer? Even though they wanted the docs and tried grabbing them from you, there was no physical damage, just emotional. Nothing but the rest of your life in legal battles if something were to happen. I don't thnk they were there to kill you, just intimidation. They probably controlled the borrower and control freaks who want everything...who knows. I hope that nothing bad happened or will happen to him.

Good story and lesson to all of us. Never be to careful, always know your business. If I was shaken as much as you were I would have went and filed a police report and have that home checked out. If nothing else for a welfare check on your buyer, and keep those thugs on their radar. When it gets reschelduled, please pass on it. Thankyou next!.....

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 When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story -  PegiT_MN on 5/26/19 6:59pm
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story -  PegiT_MN on 5/26/19 7:09pm
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story -  Amigoaz on 5/26/19 7:12pm
 Glad you are safe - and thanks for the reminder. -  JanetK_CA on 5/26/19 8:26pm
 Re: Glad you are safe. Have you considered - Yoli/CA on 5/26/19 8:38pm
 Re: Always know your surroundings - Carolyn Bodley on 5/26/19 9:14pm
 Don't mean to blame the victim, but .... - BearPaw/CO on 5/26/19 11:51pm
 In your neck of the woods, you could be greeted with the -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/27/19 7:44am
 Re: Oops — pepper spray not mace - Carolyn Bodley on 5/27/19 9:07am
 Dangerous: My Story-thank goodness you are okay!!! n/m - LJCA on 5/27/19 12:35am
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/27/19 7:39am
 Glad to know you're safe Pegi. That sounds like it was a -  MW/VA on 5/27/19 8:15am
 I don't think under these circumstances -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/27/19 8:34am
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story - Linda_H/FL on 5/27/19 8:36am
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story -  Mike Goodey on 5/27/19 11:38am
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story - Luckydog on 5/27/19 11:54am
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story -  JanetK_CA on 5/27/19 6:42pm
 Re: We are trained to try and get those closing docs signed - Carolyn Bodley on 5/27/19 3:41pm
 I agree Carolyn - Luckydog on 5/27/19 6:41pm
 Re: I agree Carolyn -  JanetK_CA on 5/27/19 7:10pm
 my "just show up" was hilarious.... - notarydi/CA on 5/27/19 10:10pm
 Sounds like "bare all" -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/28/19 11:27am
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story - Ken/NoCal on 5/28/19 8:43am
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story -  Ernest__CT on 5/30/19 10:27am

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