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my "just show up" was hilarious....
Posted by notarydi/CA of CA on 5/27/19 10:10pm Msg #606766
But, first, so glad you are safe, Pegi. We can all take a lesson from your adventure.

So, SS, says just show up. Had tried for days to reach signer. E-mail from title says, "JUST GO!". It was Labor Day weekend. So, I arrive at this nice upscale condo by the beach. Docs are for a single man and a single man. Upstairs windows are open. I can hear muted voices. I ring/knock on the door. Finally, this disheveled young woman comes to the door in running shorts and a tank top. No bra and looking like she has just crawled out of bed. I introduce myself and explain I have an appointment with John Doe. She hollers up the stair case at "John". He yells back that he'll be down in a minute. She seats me at the dining room table and I get all my stuff out. He comes down in just some running shorts... no shirt...very disheveled as well. He too looks like he has just crawled out of bed. He explains they got married on Saturday and well, he hasn't seen his cell phone since the wedding. They are on their honeymoon. And, well, I really hadn't interrupted them...they weren't quite that fully "into the act". I had interrupted their afternoon delight. The blushing bride was turning beet red and looked like she wanted to clobber him!

TMI, sir! He said he had a vague memory that we had a signing appointment, however, the other signer was his Dad and he lived across town. We ended up re-scheduling. The blushing bride did not come to the signing. Title could care less that he was now a married man. Or that the Dad was a widower.

I told the SS never again. I have to confirm or I don't go. Or find someone else. Period.

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 When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story -  PegiT_MN on 5/26/19 6:59pm
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story -  PegiT_MN on 5/26/19 7:09pm
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story -  Amigoaz on 5/26/19 7:12pm
 Glad you are safe - and thanks for the reminder. -  JanetK_CA on 5/26/19 8:26pm
 Re: Glad you are safe. Have you considered - Yoli/CA on 5/26/19 8:38pm
 Re: Always know your surroundings - Carolyn Bodley on 5/26/19 9:14pm
 Don't mean to blame the victim, but .... - BearPaw/CO on 5/26/19 11:51pm
 In your neck of the woods, you could be greeted with the -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/27/19 7:44am
 Re: Oops — pepper spray not mace - Carolyn Bodley on 5/27/19 9:07am
 Dangerous: My Story-thank goodness you are okay!!! n/m - LJCA on 5/27/19 12:35am
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/27/19 7:39am
 Glad to know you're safe Pegi. That sounds like it was a -  MW/VA on 5/27/19 8:15am
 I don't think under these circumstances -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/27/19 8:34am
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story - Linda_H/FL on 5/27/19 8:36am
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story -  Mike Goodey on 5/27/19 11:38am
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story - Luckydog on 5/27/19 11:54am
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story -  JanetK_CA on 5/27/19 6:42pm
 Re: We are trained to try and get those closing docs signed - Carolyn Bodley on 5/27/19 3:41pm
 I agree Carolyn - Luckydog on 5/27/19 6:41pm
 Re: I agree Carolyn -  JanetK_CA on 5/27/19 7:10pm
 my "just show up" was hilarious.... - notarydi/CA on 5/27/19 10:10pm
 Sounds like "bare all" -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/28/19 11:27am
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story - Ken/NoCal on 5/28/19 8:43am
 Re: When A Signingn Quickly Turns Dangerous: My Story -  Ernest__CT on 5/30/19 10:27am

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